Saturday, December 6, 2008

Fascinating Facts About Successful Single Men

Dating a loaded guy has long been a fantasy for some single women. In fact, your own mother may have even quipped that it's just as easy to fall for a wealthy man as it is a poor one.

Plus, statistically, affluent men are on the rise. According to the 2007 Wealth Report, there are more richies in the world than ever:
9.5 million people are earning at least $1 million annually, 9.5 million people are earning at least $1 million annually, and 94,970 are pulling in at least $30 million each year. Here's the lowdown on dudes with mad bank.

In the past, you would expect ambitious moneymakers to be MBA holders firmly entrenched in the financial world. "These days, though many young guys work for big-risk, big-reward hedge funds, more and more are successfully combining their creativity with their technological savvy," says Haitao Li, PhD, professor of finance at the University of Michigan. Here are some high-profile wealthy Web entrepreneurs.

  • Mark Zuckerberg, 23, founder of Facebook...$1.5 billion
  • Andrew Gower, 29, founder of Runescape...$216 million
  • Chad Hurley, 30, cofounder of You Tube...$300 million
  • Andrew Michael, 29, founder of FastHosts...$87 million
"When rich guys travel, they stay at posh hotels because they expect the best of everything," says Janis Spindel, matchmaker for wealthy professionals. And at dinner, they don't settle for anything less than grade-A beef, so four-star steak houses are prime ground for high-powered business types. Before sitting down to rack up the bill (on the company expense account, of course), they'll probably hit the bar first.

Most people want to be loved for who they are, not what they do. And that includes wealthy men. "Gold diggers do not give off a cute vibe," says one successful 27-year-old investment banker. "They feign interest in your profession, only hang around when you're headed to the most exclusive restaurant or club, and then often invite nine of their closest friends to tag along."

Yeah, it may sound shallow, but according to Donna Spangler, author of "How to Get a Rich Man", cashed-up guys think they deserve to be with trophy women, or women they deem prizeworthy. Says Spangler: "They want you to be extremely beautiful, be able to plan social schedules, and have good manners."

Blond is reputed to be the most alluring hair color, but according to a survey by Lycos, 62 percent of the world's top 100 billionaires' wives and girlfriends are brunettes. What's still unclear: whether these rich men seek out darker-haired women or if there are just more of them out there (fair hair is rarer).

Polo Ralph Lauren is the brand most likely to be purchased by wealthy male shoppers when buying goodies for themselves. The rest of the list includes Calvin Klein, Armani, Coach, and Burberry.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Vatican forgives John Lennon for Jesus remark

The Vatican's newspaper has finally forgiven John Lennon for declaring that the Beatles were more famous than Jesus Christ, calling the remark a "boast" by a young man grappling with sudden fame.

The comment by Lennon to a London newspaper in 1966 infuriated Christians, particularly in the United States, some of whom burned Beatles' albums in huge pyres.

But time apparently heals all wounds.

"The remark by John Lennon, which triggered deep indignation mainly in the United States, after many years sounds only like a 'boast' by a young working-class Englishman faced with unexpected success, after growing up in the legend of Elvis and rock and roll," Vatican daily Osservatore Romano said.

The article, marking the 40th anniversary of the Beatles' The White Album, went on to praise the pop band.

"The fact remains that 38 years after breaking up, the songs of the Lennon-McCartney brand have shown an extraordinary resistance to the passage of time, becoming a source of inspiration for more than one generation of pop musicians," it said.

Lennon was murdered in New York in 1980.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

How to Fight Depression and Anxiety

What's the best way to deal with depression and anxiety? Quickly and definitively. Whatever kicks them off, depression and anxiety both are maintained by styles of thinking that magnify the initial insult and alter the workings of the brain in such a way that the longer an episode exists, the less it takes to set off future episodes.

Anxiety and depression are probably two faces of the same coin. Surveys have long shown that 60 to 70 percent of people with major depression also have an anxiety disorder, while half of those suffering anxiety also have symptoms of clinical depression.

The stress response system is overactive in both disorders. Excess activity of the stress response system sends emotional centers of the brain into overdrive so that negative events make a disproportionate impact and hijack rational response systems. You literally can't think straight. You ruminate over and over about the difficulties and disappointments you encounter until that's all you can focus on.

Researchers believe that some people react with anxiety to stressful life events, seeing danger lurking ahead everywhere—in applying for a job, asking for a favor, asking for a date. And some go beyond anxiety to become depressed, a kind of shutdown in response to anticipated danger.

People who have either condition typically overestimate the risk in a situation and underestimate their own resources for coping. Sufferers avoid what they fear instead of developing the skills to handle the kinds of situations that make them uncomfortable. Often enough, a lack of social skills is at the root. Some types of anxiety—obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, and social phobia—are particularly associated with depression.

The fact that anxiety usually precedes the development of depression presents a huge opportunity for the prevention of depression. Young people especially are not likely to outgrow anxiety on their own; they need to be taught specific mental skills.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) gets at response patterns central to both conditions. And the drugs most commonly used against depression have also been proved effective against an array of anxiety disorders.

Although medication and CBT are equally effective in reducing anxiety/depression, CBT is better at preventing return of the disorder. Patients like it better, too, because it allows them to feel responsible for their own success. What's more, the active coping that CBT encourages creates new brain circuits that circumvent the dysfunctional response pathways.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy teaches people to monitor the environment for the troubling emotional landmines that seem to set them off. That actually changes metabolic activity in the cortex, the thinking brain, to modulate mood states. It works from the top down. Drugs, by contrast, work from the bottom up, modulating neurotransmitters in the brainstem, which drive basic emotional behaviors.

Treatment with CBT averages 12 to 15 weeks, and patients can expect to see significant improvement by six weeks. Drug therapy is typically recommended for months, if not years.

Exercise is an important adjunct to any therapy. Exercise directly alters levels of neurohormones involved in circuits of emotion. It calms the hyperactivity of the nervous system and improves function of the brain's emotion-sensing network. It also improves the ability of the body to tolerate stress. What's more, it changes people's perception of themselves, providing a sense of personal mastery and positive self-regard. It also reduces negative thinking.

However, just telling a distressed person to exercise is futile, as depression destroys initiative. The best thing a loved one can do is to simply announce: "Let's go for a walk." Then accompany the person out the door.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Truth About Why Men Cheat

48% of men rated emotional dissatisfaction as the primary reason they cheated.
So much for the myth that for men, cheating is all about physical intimacy: Only 8 percent of men said that physical dissatisfaction was the main factor in their infidelity. "Our culture tells us that all men need to be happy is to have physical intimacy with someone," Neuman says. "But men are emotionally driven beings too. They want their wives to show them that they're appreciated, and they want women to understand how hard they're trying to get things right." The problem is that men are less likely than women to express these feelings, so you won't always know when your guy is in need of a little affirmation. "Most men consider it unmanly to ask for a pat on the back, which is why their emotional needs are often overlooked," Neuman says. "But you can create a marital culture of appreciation and thoughtfulness -- and once you set the tone, he's likely to match it.

66% of cheating men report feeling guilt during the affair.
The implications are a little scary: It isn't just uncaring jerks who cheat. In fact, 68 percent of cheaters never dreamed they'd be unfaithful, and almost all of them wished they hadn't done it, Neuman says. Clearly, guilt isn't enough to stop a man from cheating. "Men are good at compartmentalizing feelings," Neuman explains. "They can hold on to their emotions and deal with them later." So even if your partner swears he would never cheat, don't assume it can't happen. It's important for both of you to take steps toward creating the relationship you want.

77% of cheating men have a good friend who cheated.
Hanging around friends who stray makes cheating seem normal and legitimizes it as a possibility. The message he's subconsciously telling himself: "My friend is a good guy who happens to be cheating on his wife. I guess even the best of us do it." You can't simply ban your husband from hanging out with Mr. Wandering Eyes, Neuman says, but you can request that they spend their time together in an environment that offers less temptation, like at a sporting event or a restaurant for lunch rather than at a bar or club. Another strategy: Build your social circle around happily married couples that share your values -- it'll create an environment that supports marriage.

40% of cheating men met the other woman at work.
"Oftentimes the woman he cheats with at the office is someone who praises him, looks up to him, and compliments his efforts," Neuman says. "That's another reason why it's so critical that he feel valued at home." Luckily, there's a clear warning sign that your husband is getting a little too cozy with a colleague: If he praises or mentions the name of a female coworker more than he would a male counterpart, your antennae should go up -- and it's time for the two of you to set boundaries about what is and isn't okay at work, Neuman says. Is it acceptable for him to work late if it's only him and her? Can they travel together to conferences? Have dinners out to discuss a project? Ask him what he'd feel comfortable with you doing with a male colleague.

Only 12% of cheating men said their mistress was more physically attractive than their wife.
In other words, a man doesn't stray because he thinks he'll get lucky with a better-looking body. In most cases, he's cheating to fill an emotional void," Neuman says. "He feels a connection with the other woman, and physical intimacy comes along for the ride." If you're worried about infidelity, focus on making your relationship more loving and connected, not on getting your body just right or mastering how to please him physically. (But know that physical intimacy does matter -- it's one of the key ways your guy expresses his love and feels close to you, so be sure to keep it a priority.)

Only 6% of cheating men had physical intimacy with a woman after meeting her that same day or night.
Actually, 73 percent of men got to know the other woman for more than a month before they cheated. This means that you may have time to see the warning signs before infidelity occurs -- you might even see it coming before he does. Keep an eye out for these common signals: He spends more time away from home, stops asking for physical intimacy, picks fights more frequently, or avoids your calls. Your gut reaction may be to confront him, but most men will deny even thinking about cheating, especially if nothing physical has occurred yet. Instead, Neuman suggests, take charge of what you can control -- your own behavior -- and take the lead in bringing your relationship to a better place. Don't hesitate to show your appreciation for him, prioritize time together, and initiate affection more. Give him a reason to keep you at the front of his mind, Neuman says. And be open about how you feel about what's going on between the two of you (again, without mentioning any third parties). Try "I think we've started to lose something important in our relationship, and I don't want it to disappear." In the meantime, commit to keeping tabs on your relationship and doing what it takes to keep it working for you.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Why Women Leave Men

"I hurt all the time because I feel alone and abandoned."

"My husband is no longer my friend."

"The only time he pays attention to me is when he wants sex."

"He is never there for me when I need him the most."

"When he hurts my feelings he doesn't apologize."

"He lives his life as if we weren't married; he rarely considers me."

"We're like ships passing in the night, he goes his way and I go mine."

"My husband has become a stranger to me, I don't even know who he is anymore."

"He doesn't show any interest in me or what I do."

Women tend to be more concerned about their marriages than men. They buy most of the books on marriage to try to improve them and initiate most marriage counseling. They often complain about their marriages to their closest friends and sometimes to anyone who will listen. And they also file for divorce twice as often as men.

Why do women seem so dissatisfied with marriage? What do they want from their husbands? What bothers them so much about marriage that most are willing to risk their families' future to escape it?

Why do women leave men?

Each day I am confronted by women who are extremely frustrated with their marriages. They usually express no hope that their husbands will ever understand what it is that frustrates them, let alone change enough to solve the problem. From their perspective, marital problems are created by their husbands who do little or nothing to solve them. Wives tend to see themselves as the major force for resolving conflicts, and when they give up their effort, the marriage is usually over.

When I talk to their husbands, they usually have a very different explanation as to why their wives feel the way they do. They often feel that the expectations of women in general, and their wives in particular, have grown completely out of reach. These men, who feel that they've made a gigantic effort to be caring and sensitive to their wives, get no credit whatsoever for their sizeable contribution to the family. They feel under enormous pressure to improve their financial support, improve the way they raise their children, and improve the way they treat their wives. Many men I see are emotionally exhausted and feel that for all their effort, they get nothing but criticism.

The simpler role of husbands in decades past has now been replaced by a much more complex and confusing role, especially in their relationship with their wives. Some conclude that women are born to complain and men must ignore it to survive. Others feel that women have come to expect so much of men that they are impossible to please, so there's no point in even trying. Very few men, these days, feel that they have learned to become the husbands that their wives have wanted, and the job seems to be getting more and more difficult.

Grounds for Divorce

Men's perceived failure to satisfy their wives is punctuated by the fact that women file for divorce twice as often as men. In other words, their unhappiness with marriage often results in divorce.

The most common reason women give for leaving their husbands is "mental cruelty." When legal grounds for divorce are stated, about half report they have been emotionally abused. But the mental cruelty they describe is rarely the result of their husband's efforts to drive them crazy. It is usually husbands being indifferent, failing to communicate and demonstrating other forms of neglect.

Another reason for divorce reported almost as much as mental cruelty is "neglect" itself. These include both emotional abandonment and physical abandonment. Husbands that work away from the home, sometimes leaving their wives alone for weeks at a time, fall into this category.

When all forms of spousal neglect are grouped together, we find that it is far ahead of all the other reasons combined that women leave men. Surprisingly few women divorce because of physical abuse, infidelity, alcoholism, criminal behavior, fraud, or other serious grounds. In fact, I find myself bewildered by women in serious physical danger refusing to leave men that threaten their safety.

Simply stated, women leave men when they are neglected. Neglect accounts for almost all of the reasons women leave and divorce men.

I have little trouble convincing most men that verbal and physical abuse are legitimate reasons for their wives to leave. And there has been increasing social pressure on men lately to avoid hurting their wives physically and verbally, which makes my job even easier.

But neglect is a much tougher sell, and it is also much more difficult to overcome than abuse. While it is the most important reason women leave men, it is hard to convince men that it is a legitimate reason, something they should avoid at all costs.

Some of the common complaints I hear from women is, "He ignores me except when he wants sex, he sits and watches television when he could be talking to me, he rarely calls me to see how I'm doing, he hurts my feelings and then never apologizes: Instead, he tells me I'm too sensitive."

Most husbands are mystified by these complaints. They feel that their wives demand too much, and that most other women would be ecstatic if married to them. Their wives have become spoiled, take their efforts for granted and have unrealistic expectations.

Do women expect too much of their husbands or are men doing less for their wives than they should? I've proven to husbands over and over again that their wives usually do not expect too much of them, and when they understand and respond to their wives' frustration, the complaining ends and a terrific marriage begins.

What's more, their wives are not expecting more effort from them. Instead, they expect efforts in a different direction. It isn't more difficult to please women these days, it simply requires a change in the priority of effort.

What are women looking for in men? They want a soul mate, someone they trust who is there for them when they have a problem, who takes their feelings into account when decisions are being made. Someone to whom they feel emotionally connected.

A Man's House

I use a house as an illustration to help husbands understand how their wives feel. Each room in the house represents one of the husband's roles in life. There is a room for his job as a production manager, there is another for golf, another for his new sports car, one for his garden, one for his children, one for church, and, yes, one for his wife.

As he makes his way through an average day, he visits various rooms when he is faced with the role the room defines. And when he's in a certain room, the others are blocked out of his mind so that he can focus his undivided attention on the role he plays at the time. He does his best when he's not faced with distractions, and prefers to deal with each problem with all his energy and creativity so that he does the best he can in each role he plays.

The wives of most men are only one of many rooms in this imaginary house. It represents the "husband" role. When they are in that room, they usually try to give their wives undivided attention and make a special effort to meet their needs. They also go to that room to have their own needs met, particularly the need for sex.

What frustrates wives most is that they are relegated to only one room in their husbands' imaginary house instead of every room. In other words, they want to be integrated into a man's entire life, not relegated to one corner. Without such integration, there can be no emotional bonding, no uniting of the spirit, no feeling of intimacy and, in many cases, no sex.

To help husbands learn to avoid this unpleasant outcome, I have tried to show them how to become and stay emotionally connected to their wives by inviting them into each room of their house. They learn to become more than the role of "husband" to their wives. They learn to integrate their wives into every aspect of their lives.

When I counsel a husband, I explain that he is to invite his wife into each room of his house. Regardless of his role or responsibility, his wife should be considered in each decision he makes. Once the invitation is made, the results are startling!

When a husband invites his wife into each room of his house, she helps change his priorities. She reminds him that her feelings are very different from his. As a result, he begins to live his life in a way that is compatible to her needs and values.

He learns how to avoid habits that cause his wife to be unhappy, and he learns how to meet her most important emotional needs. He also learn how to give his undivided attention to her and schedule time to be alone with her.

The Policy of Joint Agreement

To help men integrate their wives into each room, I have encouraged husbands to follow the Policy of Joint Agreement: Never do anything without an enthusiastic agreement between you and your spouse.

This policy helps men take their wives' feelings into account whenever they make a decision. They avoid thoughtless habits, learn to meet emotional needs with mutual enjoyment and resolve their conflicts. All of this creates marital compatibility and emotional bonding.

The word "anything" in the policy applies to all the activities of a husband that go on in each of his rooms. So whenever he follows it, he learns to think about his wife's reaction to everything he does, not just what goes on in the "husband" room.

Some argue that just an agreement would be a big help, why insist on enthusiastic agreement? It's because I want couples to avoid agreements that are coerced or self-sacrificing. I want couples to learn how to come to agreements that take both of their interests into account at once. I have encouraged couples to continue to negotiate until they arrive at an enthusiastic agreement because they're the ones that stand up to the test of time.

Most men complain that if they invite their wives into every room of their imaginary houses, their wives will take over completely and they will lose all their peace and freedom. They imagine their identities shriveling away and finding themselves a shadow of their former selves.

But the Policy of Joint Agreement prevents that unfortunate outcome. Joint agreement means that both husband and wife must be enthusiastic together, and no one risks losing their identity or subjecting themselves to slavery when they themselves must be enthusiastic about each decision. The goal is to become united in purpose and spirit, not to overpower or control each other.

How Easy Is It?

Couples that are already emotionally bonded have little or no trouble following this policy because they have already learned how to behave in sensitive and caring ways in each of their life's roles. But emotionally distant couples have great difficulty with the policy at first. They are accustomed to doing what they please regardless of it's effect on each other, especially when they play certain roles. But if they follow the policy for even one day, they begin to see how their thoughtlessness has created emotional distance.

As couples apply the policy to each of their daily plans and activities, they begin to feel cared for by each other and are encouraged by each other's thoughtfulness. Over time, their emotional bonding becomes more and more firm, and the policy becomes easier and easier to follow as they become soul mates.

Men who follow the Policy of Joint Agreement think about their wives throughout the day, because as they make decisions they ask themselves how their wives would feel. Phone calls are made whenever there is any doubt. As time passes, these men become increasingly sensitive to their wives' feelings.

If men consider their wives feelings in each decision they make, asking their wives when there is any uncertainty, they create a compatible lifestyle. The Policy of Joint Agreement helps create understanding, emotional bonding, intimacy and romantic love in marriage. Men that learn to take their wives feelings into account meet their most important emotional needs. They also learn to overcome the selfish habits that make their wives so unhappy, because these habits do not meet the standard of mutual agreement. Over time, they experience what every couple hopes to create in marriage: A loving and compatible relationship.

A woman doesn't leave the man who has invited her into every room of his house. That's because she doesn't stand outside the rooms of his house feeling like a stranger. She is welcomed into his entire home as his cherished life partner.

Why Are Women Crazy, Difficult, Complicated, etc.?

For some reason I tend to have more male friends than female friends. While this has allowed me to find out what men do when women aren't around (they, for better or worse, typically think of me as a guy), it has more importantly allowed me to explain to heterosexual men the answer to their most common question: "Why do women act so crazy?"

Hormones: Sex and Mental Instability

Hormones are the basis of moods in women. They can affect everything from hunger and sleep to ambition and mood

Menstrual cycles mean that we can have a different mood every week during a predictable cycle: pre-menstrual period, during the menstrual period, post-menstrual period, and ovulation.

Pregnancy is a much more complicated version of the hormone game. During pregnancy, a woman's hormones may turn off her libido and throw her into a state of constant irritation, or they might give her abundant energy and leave her craving sex during every waking moment.

There are probably evolutionary reasons why our moods change based on our menstrual cycle. For example, many women become sexually aroused more easily during the week of ovulation, the week when we are most likely to conceive a pregnancy. And many women tend to feel defensive after the birth of their baby, the time when they most need to focus on protecting their new child.

Insecurity: Fear of Loss / Fear of Failure

Many women are insecure about everything. Many of us have a constant underlying worry that the men we love are going to leave us, others are judging us, the bills won't get paid, or we'll screw up our kids. Much or our insecurities come from the way we were raised and programmed by our parents, teachers, peers, and society.

A quick way for men to deal with insecure women is to learn a few important phrases. "You're so beautiful." "We'll work this out (or do this) together." And, "It is (or will be) all right."

The biggest problem with insecurity is that it leads to overthinking.

Overthinking: But Why? But How? But What If?

Women tend to overthink more than men do. When women overthink, they ruminate, sometimes for days (or even years in some situations). They repeatedly judge and analyze their actions as well as the behaviors of others and try to figure out if they are fitting in socially, fulfilling their obligations, or adequately following their dreams. Women will even think about thinking: Why do I think/feel this way, how can I change it, and when will it change?

If you go on a date with a woman, there's a very good chance that she will spend the next week wondering why you wanted to date her, why she wants to date you, how she performed on the date, what she did wrong, what she should do better, and how you responded. And if you don't call the next day, she'll spend at least a few days ruminating about that too.

If you have an argument with a woman, she'll likely ask you hundreds of questions, some of which may not be connected to the current argument, to get to the root of the problem and satisfy her insecurity.

Overthinking all comes down to two basic questions: Am I all right, and how can I be better?

There may be an evolutionary component to this strange psychological practice. Women have long been tasked with holding the community together while men went out to hunt, work, etc. A strong, protective community was essential for successfully raising children, especially when wild animals lurked about in the jungle or when disaster struck. So women needed to be concerned about how everyone felt and how everything operated, and each woman needed to do her part to ensure all the pieces of the social puzzle stayed in place. Now, when anything seems out of place, we continue to ask ourselves, what have I done, or not done, to contribute to the problem?

The problem with overthinking is that it causes anxiety, which leads to desperate behaviors, pessimism, frequent mind-changing, and depression.

But Remember...

Not all women are crazy. And not all men are sane and logical. We just need to focus more on learning how each other ticks, so we can work together, rather than fighting and judging each other for our differences.

Why men are so difficult?

Most women, at one time or another, have wondered why their man was so difficult-why, on occasion, he behaved like a jerk. The answer is easy: Most men "give out" masculine energy. This, at times, is offensive to most women. What do I mean by "masculine energy"?

Every man and woman has both masculine and feminine energy within them. In about 10 percent of all men, these energies balance. Another 10 percent of all men demonstrate more feminine energy than masculine. But about 80 percent of all men demonstrate more masculine than feminine energy. These men can often seem like jerks.

These men are difficult for most women to deal with in intimacy because masculine energy is very different from feminine energy-and about 80 percent of women are naturally more feminine than masculine. Intimate relationships between a masculine man and a feminine woman often seem like a struggle between creatures from different planets. They try to communicate with one another in a language neither understands.

Many men seem like jerks to many women because feminine energy is frequently confused, offended and hurt by the masculine, just as the masculine is by feminine energy. Once understood, the differences between masculine and feminine can become gifts men and women offer to one another in passionate love, rather than wrinkles to be ironed out.

Why Does His Work Seem More Important than Me?

When your man is hard at work, it doesn't necessarily mean he's shutting you out. He's not being insensitive, turning away or avoiding participation with you. When he's focused on a project or a task, that becomes the whole world to him.

Men are either in one mode or another. For instance, a man could be having problems with his wife yet still enjoy an outing with his male friends. On a fishing trip a friend could ask, "How are things at home?" He'll say, "Man, it sucks. Wow, look at the size of that fish!"

For most women, or anyone in their feminine energy, the intimate relationship touches their lives no matter what they're doing. It's difficult to drop the relationship, get absorbed in something, enjoy it completely, then go back to the relationship.

A man who temporarily "forgets" his relationship may not be avoiding his feelings. The same thing may happen to you when you are in your masculine energy. When the masculine energy focuses, everything else disappears.

If you were in the midst of an emotionally charged thought or feeling and your partner said "Can you get the catsup for me?", it would disrupt your emotions and probably frustrate you. When you inject your emotional mode into his action mode, it feels the same way to him.

Men don't exist so much in a world of flow and feelings. To a large extent, they exist in a world of problems, functions and challenges.

Most archetypal myths of men involve battling demons, enemies, war and conquest. They involve breaking free and winning. Most archetypal myths about women involve love relationships. Men and women play in very different domains. If you want to be married to a masculine man, as opposed to a feminine or more neutral man, then part of the package you get is his modality, his ability to focus.

When your man thinks your emotions are wrong, it can throw off the whole relationship. Emotions can't be wrong, they simply are. In the same way, his action mode is not wrong, it just is. But this doesn't mean you can't gift him with your feelings, sensitivity, intuition and wisdom.

Two of the biggest gifts you bring to your man are your sensitivity and intuition. He can learn a lot from your world that is foreign to his. And you can also learn from him.

Don't disown your feelings. If you really feel it's best for him to be interrupted, then interrupt him. Just remember that you may encounter some initial resentment, because he's stuck in one mode.

Why Isn't He Aware of How He Hurts Me?

When your man gets involved in something and doesn't pay attention to you, it hurts. He probably doesn't feel he's turning away from you. He may not be aware of it at all.

When your man turns away or becomes involved in something else, you could say, "Did you notice that half an hour ago we were making love when the phone rang? Since you hung up you haven't even looked at me." He'll look puzzled, and mumble "Yeah, okay."

You could also say, "I felt a sudden shift in your attention. One moment we were passionate, the next moment nothing. Our hearts were connected, and now they are not." It will seem bizarre to you that he doesn't feel any of this, but he usually doesn't.

When I lead men's groups, we spend a lot of time talking about this. I try to convince the men that women do feel the shifts in a man's attention. The men don't believe it. They'll say, "You're kidding, right?" I'll say, "I'm serious. If you're with a woman and you suddenly turn away and begin to work, she feels it in her body. She feels your attention moving away from her. She feels hurt." The men will usually respond, "How are you supposed to live with that?"

Men often have no idea they've hurt you. When you tell them, it helps if you understand their perspective. Talk to them as if they've fallen asleep and reawakened. So rather than criticize their actions, tell them how it makes you feel. Say, "When you picked up the phone I felt hurt," rather than "Don't pick up the phone when we are together." You can tell them how it makes you feel. Then they can handle it.

But if you expect a man to know they've hurt you, they'll say, "What hurt you?" They don't sense the turning away is as hurtful as it is to you.

Why Is He So Obsessed with Perfection?

Men, or anyone in their masculine energy, typically seek perfection. It could be the perfect wax job on the car, or the perfect wave to surf, or the perfect touchdown. Women, of course, also seek perfection at times. But the feminine priority, in man or woman, is usually the desire for love.

If you, as a woman, are suffering in a poor relationship, how much will you enjoy the "perfect" wax job on your car? Many men, however, become totally obsessed with things like that even in the midst of a painful relationship. In fact, they particularly become obsessed by things like that during painful times. It's their little way of engaging in the perfection of unblemished consciousness, consciousness that is always perfect.

Our masculine and feminine ways are not only rooted in our biological roots, but also in our spiritual depths. As it has been said in many spiritual traditions, the first thing created was light. This light is the true source of our feminine energy, and the void in which it shines is the source of our masculine.

That's why many women are concerned with their radiance. They identify themselves as sources of light or energy. They want shiny hair, glossy lips, blushed cheeks, glowing skin, radiant eyes. The feminine in each of us feels akin to life force itself.

The masculine in each of us feels more akin to the void in which the light shines. Most men would rather watch women dance than dance themselves. They want to witness feminine radiance. Thus, men identify more with the witness, with awareness, with consciousness itself.

This consciousness never moves, while the feminine energy always moves. This consciousness never changes, while the feminine energy always changes. Men who stand firm and trustable in their deep truth are more sexy to women. Women who move their bodies freely in radiant energy are more sexy to men.

Men seek perfection in the external world-in their philosophies, golf games and a centerfold's body-because they intuit the perfection of deep and eternal consciousness. But they misplace this desire for perfection. Deep consciousness, or divine consciousness, may be perfect, changeless and unblemished, but life is not. Life is the play of energy. Life is feminine!

Anything that is alive is not perfect, though men try to make it so. They try to perfect their golf game. They fantasize over perfect women's bodies. They try to understand the perfect philosophy. Men seek perfection because they intuit the nature of consciousness, which is unchanging.

Changeless perfection is irrelevant for the feminine. The feminine is interested in love and life, and life includes birth and death and change. Life is not unchanging and perfect all the time.

For consciousness purists, however, change is anathema. Men, especially when feeling threatened by the feminine, want to retreat from the changes of life into perfection, voidness, or unchanging abstraction.

They become immersed in a newspaper, or in TV, something that removes them from the problems of life. Or, they become focused obsessively on perfection in some trivial form, because that's the closest they can get to the perfection of unblemished consciousness. Men are most at home in projects, sports, philosophy and ideas outside of the daily ups and downs of life.

If a woman is obsessed with perfection, she has probably rejected her own feminine. For some reason, she has identified with her masculine energy. Just as men must learn to embrace life and love in order to become whole, perfectionist women must learn to embrace the feminine part of themselves and others. This begins with an embrace of the body itself: a sensuous appreciation for the body, for bodily pleasure, for the body's wild energy, for the body's beauty, for a full, sweet breath, and a soft, open heart. This embrace of the feminine is also the cure for a man's obsessive perfectionism. If men don't embrace the fullness of life, of feminine change, then they become one-sided. Men need to learn that if they want light, radiance and energy in their life then they need to embrace all the changes and so-called "blemishes," too.

Why Is He Afraid to Commit?

The quest for freedom is most important to the masculine energy. That freedom can be financial, professional, artistic or spiritual. The most important priority for the feminine energy is relationship and love. When your man turns away from you, you may instantly feel, "I must be doing something wrong. I must be doing something wrong or he would want to spend more time with me."

Most men, if forced to make a choice between an intimate relationship or their art/profession/spiritual path, will choose the latter. When a woman is in her masculine energy she will make the same choice: freedom over love.

If you are in your feminine, love and an intimate relationship is at the core of your life. But at the core of your man's life is his quest for freedom from constraints. He will do anything to continue on his quest. If he imagines your relationship is going to limit his quest, he will not want to commit. He'll want to keep things open.

When men enter more deeply into a relationship, they feel their attention being more absorbed in love for you. This may scare them. They imagine that their freedom is decreasing, and they react by pulling out, or by refusing to make a commitment to the relationship, especially following an increased period of depth of intimacy.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Notes of the Week

For those of you in Italy, make sure you keep an eye out for the Roberto Cavalli-designed bottles of Coca Cola light (above). These limited edition collectibles (solely 300,000 have been produced) hit shelves earlier this week, and will be available through to December. As Cavalli recently remarked, “I had a lot of fun creating three different “dresses” for the legendary silhouette of the Coca Cola Light Contour. They are seductive and feminine, in typical Cavalli style.” Without a doubt, these are set to become one of the most coveted items of the season.

Once the New York Fashion Week frenzy has subsided, make sure you head out to the Whitney Museum for your last chance to see the enthralling Polaroids: Mapplethorpe exhibition. Over 100 polaroids of Robert Mapplethorpe are on display, revealing this creative genius’ obsession with beauty in both its human and natural form. An absolute must-see for all fans of that which once was and no longer is.

For many of us, the near-end of summer has marked the return to a hectic routine of work and stress. But that doesn’t mean you should have to renounce a handful of city-breaks across the continent this fall. Book yourself into the latest concept in affordable accommodation, edged with plenty of uniqueness–Citizen M. Located at Schiphol, just a few kilometers away from Amsterdam, the hip and luxe rooms of this extraordinary hotel come complete with Philips mood lamps, free movie channels and wifi, as well as a healthy dose of humour. The secret to their success? Industrial Flexible Demountable–each room is prefabricated to the highest standards of luxury off-site in a special factory.

Fans of George Orwell rejoice, as a brand new website, launched on the 9th of August, has started publishing the diary entries of this literary genius that were penned from 1938 up to 1942. Each day, and for the next four years, one entry will be published online, revealing a never-before-seen glimpse of Orwell’s soul. An absolute must-read.

Pink It Up

If you don’t already know, this month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast cancer strikes more women in the world than any other type of cancer except skin cancer, and today, a woman’s lifetime risk of breast cancer is 1 in 8. This is certainly no trivial matter, and everyone from Barack Obama to Hillary Duff have actively voiced their support for the fight against breast cancer.

The initiatives that seek to raise awareness are many, and include, for example, Oprah’s touching interview with Christina Applegate this past Tuesday, during which they discussed Christina’s battle with this sickness and her double mastectomy ordeal.

Another initiative is one that has been promoted by Breakthrough Breast Cancer, which has recently launched its Pink Your Party campaign that encourages people to have a party, turn it pink and have fun while raising vital funds for Breakthrough’s research, campaigning and education work.

So this month, make sure you make it a point to party out and go pink.

Define Commitment

Most young girls want the wedding of their dreams without much thought of what comes after the ceremony. After all, bedtime stories always end with, “…and they lived happily ever after.” What startles me most is how many believe marriage is the definition of love. You have people on one side who are single who can’t wait to get married. Then you have people who are married, who wish they were single.

The object lesson to be learn is that love is not a contract. Sure, there are many pros and cons to marriage. For those who take vows seriously, it is not to be entered into lightly. A contract does not promise fidelity or happiness. One hopes that both parties enter into marriage with good intentions and unconditional acceptance of each other. The problem is that we are human and are flawed creatures.

There was a woman who was threatening to walk away from her four-year engagement because her fiancée stated truthfully that he was not ready to get married. Honestly, he shared a number of reservations with her. Instead of looking at why he was not willing to commit to her through marriage, she became defensive. Now, I won’t go into what his reservations were, but they were all valid reasons. Rather, what I saw was the sign of an individual who wants to ensure a solid foundation before he makes a commitment. She didn’t see it that way.

She was offended by his caution and seemed unwilling to exercise patience. It is never a good idea to force a hand to act. You may wind up regretting the haste of your actions, no matter what those decisions may be. It is better to be ready for a life commitment rather than to enter it through coercion. There is truth to the statement that you don’t know what the future holds. However, you can’t ignore patterns of current behavior which contribute to your tomorrows.

What is more important? A piece of paper or the relationship? After all…love stays.

Make The Elephant Jump

Leadership is not about getting people to do what they want. If they did what they want, you wouldn't be needed as a leader. Instead, leadership is about getting people to do what they don't want to do (or don't think they can do) – and be ardently committed to doing it.

This paradox lies at the heart of all great leadership.
Unlike management, which involves simply the care and feeding of your organizational elephant, great leadership gets that elephant to jump.
Anyone who knows anything about elephants knows that they may run, they may stand on their hind legs, they may kneel on their fore legs, they may roll over; but they don't jump.

And that's what leadership is all about: getting organizations to do what they usually can't do, i.e., getting great results consistently.
Now, you can't do the jumping yourself. The elephant must do it. You can't push the elephant into the air. It must jump of its own volition.

Making the elephant jump involves cultivating a special relationship between the leader and the people of the organization.
Many leaders misunderstand that relationship. They try to use fear and pain to spur the activity needed to achieve consistently great results. "Sure, I'll get this elephant to jump. Just give me a cattle prod!"

But inducing fear and pain are habit forming and ultimately destructive both to the leader and the people.
To make the elephant jump -- not now and then but consistently, i.e., to lead people to consistently do great things -- deep, human emotional bonding between leader and people must take place. And fundamental to that bonding is the nature of the heart of the leader.

This is the secret: You can't get the elephant to jump unless you have a kind heart. Kindness in leadership means following the Leadership Imperative: "I will lead people in such a way that we not only achieve the needed results but they become better as leaders and people."

Most leaders focus on the first part "getting better results" and forget about the second part. But in truth, when you have a kind heart, getting results and helping people be better are not two things but one.

From now on, see every leadership challenge you face as a way of having people increase their knowledge, their skills, their courage, their tenacity, and their leadership abilities. Cultivating that perspective is a kindness.

But don't mistake kindness for being nice. Don't mistake kindness for having people simply feel good. Don't mistake kindness for allowing people to indulge the worst aspects of their character, laziness, inconsiderateness, selfishness, etc.
Furthermore, you may be kind and have people be frustrated with you.

Many great leaders I've had relationships with got me frustrated as they had me go through the trouble of tackling challenges I might not otherwise have tackled. (In fact, deep, human, emotional bonding cannot happen without a great deal of frustration.) But I was motivated despite my frustrations because I recognized that they essentially had my best interests at heart.

Yes, through skill, persuasiveness, understanding, forcefulness, education, and guidance, you can get the elephant to jump -- as long as you do it through the kindness of your heart.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Our small Village called earth

Brief Strange Stories of the Planet

The King Of Morocco

The king of Morocco (in the 17th century), Moulay Ismail Ibn Sharif, had a harem with 500 wives and 1042 recorded offspring.

The woman to give birth to the most children was a peasant’s wife from Shuya (east of Moscow) . She gave birth 27 times. 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets and four sets of quadruplets.

Females would starve for Fashion

The difference between men and women is pretty obvious, men find pleasures in beer, great food, watching sports and sex while women…well women won´t enjoy their life fully until they find a way to buy their first Gucci purse.

According to a survey in England, 49% of the British public spend more every month on their appearance than they do on food. Even more stunning is that 18% admitted to spending more than half their wages on clothes and accessories.

The most interested and worrying fact is that 32% of UK females confess that if push came to shove they’d prefer to go without food to nab that fashion “must-have”.

Motorcycle made from a Watch!

Most Nymphomaniac in History

Valeria Messalina of ancient Rome almost certainly wins this one; indeed her name (the "Messalina complex") has been used as a synonym for nymphomania. With her insatiable sexual appetites she acted as prostitute and seducer. She married Claudius when only sixteen; it has been speculated that she started an active sex life when she was thirteen or fourteen. If she fancied a man, Claudius would order him to submit to her whims: it was useful being married to an emperor. Dio Cassius has declared that she kept her lustful husband well supplied with housemaids for bedfellows. She often enjoyed herself in the local brothel.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


The RealDoll® is designed to recreate the appearance, texture and weight of the human male and female form. Their primary function is to serve as sex partners. This activity can be accompanied by certain preparations such as dressing them up in different types of clothing, changing wigs or makeup, and even adjusting body temperature by use of electric blankets or baths.

Early prototypes were made from solid latex with an interior skeleton, but construction of the outer material was later switched to more realistic silicone. Recent innovations in silicone formula, skeletal elements and storage methods now allow for a doll that is somewhat less prone to tears and compression marks than older Realdolls. However Realdolls still have a reputation for lack of durability and falling apart.

The current incarnation of the female RealDoll product was introduced in the mid-1990s. It is now available in 10 customizable body styles, with a choice of 15 faces and five skin tones. Unusually colored skin—blue for example—is also available as an option, as are tan lines. In 2003, Abyss introduced the "Face-X" system, allowing any face to be interchangeable with any body. Multiple faces can then be attached one at a time to a single doll by the owner.

"Charlie", a male RealDoll, is also available. "Shemale" dolls may also be purchased from the company, although these must be custom ordered. Abyss also sells silicone body parts, such as partial torsos, breasts and male genitalia.

For a time, the company also offered customizations such as robotic hip actuators and computer controlled speech feedback. These expensive options appear to be no longer available, but RealDoll creator Matt McMullen has stated a desire to keep working in the areas of robotics and artificial intelligence. Use of RealDolls is not exclusively sexual. Some owners use the dolls merely as stand-ins for human models in photography or other visual art. Some owners also use the dolls as non-sexual companion substitutes, rarely—if ever using it for sexual pleasure. Still other owners buy the dolls simply because they consider them to be beautiful works of art.

Most RealDoll owners are men but some women own them too, and they are shared by couples as well. The perceived stigma of owning a "sex doll", along with the realistic weight of the product have been cited as reasons why ownership by women is not more widespread.

Watch it on YouTube !!

The Celebrator

The Celebrator is a clever, discreet head which attaches easily to any toothbrush with Oral B type connection. It is totally inconspicuous if placed along with your toothbrush in your luggage nobody would guess that it wasn’t for cleaning your teeth. Therefore a great toy to take away with you on your holidays or a trip.

This little gem isn’t expensive either, I believe that it retails for just $12.00 for a pack of three free heads. So you can replace them as you need without incurring huge replacement costs.

The Celebrator have a winner and a must for any girl even if she isn’t going on holiday!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Traveling Tips for Visiting Japan

Travel Light, The number one rule in Japan, as anywhere else, is travel light. Bulky luggage can be a hassle in Japan and most coin lockers at the train stations or other places are only large enough to hold small day packs.

Japan is a Cash Society, especially in rural areas. Credit cards are fine in large establishments in Tokyo and Kyoto, but even in these cities, small hotels, inns, shops, and restaurants only accept cash. And, you will need cash for buses, taxis, trains, and admission to all sightseeing spots. Japan has a 5% consumer tax, the price shown on goods is usually before the tax.

Tipping tipping is not common in Japan, especially for cab drivers, porters, or waiters. In more upscale establishments, a service charge will be added to your bill. However in some situations were special services are arranged for example: your private tour guide and or the head maid at a ryokan (Japanese-style inn) money gifts are acceptable. Money gifts are usually presented in an envelope containing relatively new and clean bills.

Tissue Paper In some public restrooms, you may need to be prepared your own tissue. However there are an abundance of tissue packets handed out free (a common form of advertising) as you walk along major streets, it is always nice to have a couple of packets on you in case you encounter a restroom without.

Traditional Style Toilets When traveling in Japan the odds are you will probably encounter a traditional "Japanese-style" toilet. These can be found in most public restrooms, train stations and in all small towns. In locations with several toilets there will probably be a Western toilet option. However, if you have no other option but the traditional style, stay calm and remember the following. As the toilet facility is located at floor level, you must carefully squat, balancing yourself over the facility, the correct position is facing the hump/hood part of the toilet away from the door. This is the opposite to the normal Western option, so it takes some getting used to.

High Tech Wonder Toilets On the other hand, In upscale hotels, ryokans and restaurants, you may discover Japan's new high tech wonder toilets. These toilets much like the inside of a racing cockpit are equipped with many intriguing buttons. Each button function is often indicated with a vivid image, however as the powerful functions include stream, spray and dry, do not confuse these with the flush button, as it could make for an embarrassing experience at a fine restaurant or at a friends house.

Giving Gifts Taking a small gift when you visit someone is a Japanese tradition. Common gifts are usually chocolates or alcohol, but everywhere you go in Japan, especially in train stations, you will find shops selling local delicacies. These shops will wrap your gift beautifully as part of the service. If you are visiting friends, business associates, you may want to take some small gifts. All items should be wrapped or presented in an attractive bag. Gifts for more informal meetings can include: t-shirts or baseball hats from your hometown or even local memorabilia, such as maple syrup from Canada, or a Merlion statue from Singapore.

The Japan Rail Pass available in 7, 14, and 21-day varieties are one of the best bargains for traveling in Japan. As an example: a regular round-trip train ticket from Narita Airport to Kyoto costs more than an entire Seven Day Rail Pass. The Japan Rail Pass is accepted on all "Japan Railway" operated trains, buses, and one ferry (Hiroshima area to Miyajima), anywhere in Japan (including all "bullet" trains except the Nozomi Super Express). However, it is important to remember that you must purchase your rail pass before leaving your home country. The rail pass is only available to non-Japanese residents and cannot be purchased in Japan.

Train Punctuality Unless there is an earthquake trains are almost always on time. So, if your train is scheduled to depart at 9:52, it will depart at 9:52. Moral of the story, Don't Be late. When purchasing Shinkansen (Bullet Train) Ticket, be advised that only railway travel centers run by major travel agencies accept credit cards and that these centers are usually found only at major railway stations. Purchasing Subway Tickets, Most subways are not part of the Japan Rail system, and thus, are not covered by the Japan Rail Pass. However, subways are not expensive.

Sending Domestic Luggage Trains have no porters, no checked luggage, and there is little overhead space for carry-on items. Most train stations have stairs affording your luggage wheels useless. Most train stations have lockers, but only major stations have temporary storage windows or lockers large enough to hold large suite cases. How to get around this problem? Use the domestic luggage carrier service "takkyu-bin" to send all but an overnight bag to your next major stop. This service is available from airports and hotel front desks or bell stations. If you are staying at a small family-run, budget "ryokan" (inn) in the city, you can usually arrange takkyu-bin with a nearby convenience store. Average bags normally go overnight between cities, two nights to the airports.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

House In Riyadh

This is the entrance of the house. I hate white walls!

The left leads to the upper floor, and the right leads to the living room area

Going to the upper floor

The dressing and on the left is the bedroom

My lonely nest

The chaotic bathroom

The office (chatting

The living area

Dinning room

And finally...the food laboratory!